Monday, July 27, 2009


Edward Cullen is your guy!

result image

Edward is romantic and witty. You love Edward, because he can have intellectual conversations with you and doesn't have to ask you what the "big words" you use mean. You'll never get bored with your one true love.


i love this quiz!

Favorite number? (didn't see that one coming, did ya?)

Which of these phrases is the hottest to you?

What show would you most likely be found watching?

Which of these songs would most likely be found on your ipod?

The best part about him is:

Where would you want to go on a date with him?

What kind of movie do you like best?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

sha lalalalala

ngee~sje gatai nk update
st:ak msuk prtndingn futsal!hah!(can't u believe it)tendang pun ikut sedap jep jnji kaki kne bola.syok hingga menjilat kaki.heheh.aneway 1 goal for me!;)

nd:then ade rantaian kaseh.3 kali kne bebel cbb result tersgtla best!
lokasi pertame:wakaf ibnu khaldun bersame cikgu maznita!panas tlinge wooo!
lokasi kedua:dalam bilik darjah bersame parents ngan mama sally(fuuh sronok!)
lokasi ketiga:dalam kete(sape lg weh)
rd:latihan drama competition.sgt sronok!(ak background voice jerp)but i'm de director too!hah!wish us luck babe!the rest is history

4th:ak kt umah pa'in curi2 update blog.agagaga!daaaa~

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Elken winner's nite

huhuh.cun ta?ktowg time ni pakai sistem elken coz ade winner's nyte kt stadium bukit jalil.event yg paling dinanti2kn oleh ktowg sume satu famili.hohoh.act nk jumpe artis senanyer.ahahahah!

korang kenal ta mamt nih?ak pon ta kenal tp ye je la time wat persembhn.nsem pon bleh thn gak.heheh.amoi2 kt blkg ak menjrit2.melu++menyam ak tgk.lepak arr.ukan die nk ajk kowg kawen pon.hah!elak ade kuali terbg jerp hinggp pale mereka uh..
haaa.yg ni memg besh!suparman ku.aha!time die kuor ak pon jd cm minah2 blkg uh.fact:ak jd bini num 2 pon ta kesah.;)best wooo!mak cik2 pon ikut sme gelek2 ble die nyanyi.amboi!parents ak lak ikut sme terkinja2 ble mamt ni nyanyi agu 'gemuruh'.well,lagu uh bnyk sgt motivate diorg dlm elken.

p/s:malasnye nk blik asrma!warggghhh!

Friday, June 12, 2009

prang ke tipung prang!

oke fine ak da lame ta update.ade masalah?hang ta puas ati blog kowang best sgt kew?ceh!
pegi mati la pd yg berkenaan.wekk!(dgn penuh kebengangan)

easymath:tengs to encik ishak(merangkap laki x jd ak)hahah
drikuh yg bangang addmath tetibe ade smngt
nk doakn jela ye.ak teringin nk a beb
sejujurnye ak memg x prnh lulus addmath(pathethic rite)
wutever pon lantak korg arr nk pkir ape yg pnting ak pndaila bwa drikuh.
so jgn terberak dlm seluar lau ak dpt A1!hah!

credit to ixxat:yg diats tuh x de kne mengene ngn ko.ur blog is da best!huuu;)
p/s:edward is mine!hahah!(yg x phm x yah nyebok);0

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tragedi April

warggghh!suda lme cheah ta update ini blog.atoaiii.manya busy woo.hee~lot's of things happened to me lately.ade yg masam manis kurg garam,kurg cuka,kurg kari.hahah..

12 april:Happy BURFDAY headgal!


10.00:pada mlm yg hening lg sunyi lg sepi..ak lepak dorm siti hajar,,bce nvel(pinjm jerp)then borak2 ngan dak2 nih.act ak x taw ape2 pown rncgn diorg yg senanye juz taw nk celebrate burfday headgal(yg merupkn penghuni dorm tu jugk.ngee~so ak wat dunno jerp lorh.juz go with the flow beb!last2 ak tertido la pulek kt ctuh.hah!


"Pe yg bising2 kt luor uh?"kata cheah. cheah yg masih lgi mamai membawa langkah ke arah pintu siti hajar.laju sahaja dia menjenguk keluar arah pintu.ek poyola pulak tulis gini.oke2 ak yg tgh2 mamai tu dgr sore bising gler gaduh2 kt luor.jerit plak tuh.mule2 bengong2 jugk ta phm.yg x leh handle nye st kt aras 2 pastu aras 3 lak.chot(bukan nme sebenar)pon pggl dayah(headgal merangkap besday gal)konon2 minx settlekn probs diorg.Dayah time uh dh sengih2 dh coz maybe die taw mereka2 nih nk knekn die.die masuk dorm lalu berkate,'cheah ak taw diorg sje nk knekn ak,ko mesti taw an?"

ak hanya buat2 muke kurg mengerti.last2 die pon naekla first die x cye an?then bler die tgk mgse keadaan muke merah dn tangisn lju meleleh ke pipi die pon cye.hahah!(sush nk wat plkon utama nanges,siap tampo2 muke agi uh!)dh lme leps tuh aspuri di gemakn ngan nyanyian negaraku,,eh!happy burfday.huuu~best sgt time uh.time tu ak kt dorm siti hajar lg.jerit arr sekuat hati.."HAPPY BURFDAY HEADGAL!!!"

tibe2 mate ak trtgkp satu kelibat!chot yg kt depan siap ckp agi.."cheah ak rse mcm ade aura2 x baek arr,"(memg betol pon!"weyh aura membunuh dtg wokk!"ak suro die msuk dorm tp die ta paham pulek.

mek kao cikgu H(ukn nme sebenar)dtg ngamuk2.skrip2 cikgu ngamuk ak x mampu nk taip cz ta baek mengnjing cikgu.heheh.yg penting die suro ktowg wat skrip ape yg ktorg gado td siap suro lakon depan satu skola!

pe mslh die??!wish burfday pon jd masalah?ak memg ta phm betol la ngan cikgu uh

.siap burfday gal pon kne hambur gak.cyan2.die nanges ktorg pujok.die siap ckp memg mlm uh tkkn lupe smpi bler2!pas abes kne hambur bom nuklear dri ckgu H,kami(form 5 yg terlibat bersidang di bilik sumey.)hahah!



6.50A.M:wargghhh!lmbt!ak dh jnji ngan pain nk siap kol 7!hampeh!kelam kabut gler siap minx tlg adik dorm agi ironkn bju.heee~papepon dis is the st time oke?huuu;)so kire darurat dan dpt sijil indugence la kn?heheh

then dh siap2 ak pon dptkn pain ngan zac(ukn nme sebenar)ktorg tunggu kt depan pak guard.ak dn zac selmbe pki ju kurung ngan tudg labuh prep(oke wut?ukn freehair pon)++tnpe kebenrn kuor nk gi tudyen.tibe2 muncul lgi "AURA MEMBUNUH'!(WE dead!)

mule2 kne bebel then climax dh mule siap nk anto disiplin.(mangkok tol!ak ukan dh keluor pon)then mak pain dtg.cikgu suro ktorg tuko bju outing tp ta sampi ati nk wat mak pain tunggu.ktorg pon dgn hati yg lara blah arr dri ctuh!nanges la weyh spe x sdih.ak punyela sikit punye semgt nk gi tusyen especially bio(cz blaja psl twins)which topic yg sgt2 ak nntikn.

venue 2:tmpt letak kereta

lagi skali ktorg nmpk ye dlm kete dgn kelajuan x smpi 20km per hour.huh!pe lgi die nk seyh??!ta cukop2 halau kami?die pggl ktorg dgn nada yg lantang n sgt menyakitkn ckp apsal x nk gi tusyen?bengang sgt?dh taw nape buat?!

wargggghh!time tuh tuhan sje yg taw betape geram nye!tu oke lgi lepas tuh die hina2 result kitorg then ckp awk ingt awk dpt berkt kew lau awk gi tusyen gini.ingt bole jd pndi?perghh!sedeyh weyh.mak ak pon x ckp gtuh ngan ak.cikgu sebegin ke yg nk lihat ank bgsa maju??

ktorg pulang dgn hati yg ditusuk2 dgn besi tjm yg dipnskn dgn 200 drjh celcius!huh!amek kao nges mcm laki mti time tuh!satu dorm plik tgk ak cmtuh.maklumla ak ketua dorm yg happy go lucky plus x reti mara2(ceh nk bgge gak arr)sume plk cz st time tgk ak lgu tuh.ak yg bengang lari dorm sumey(sume form 5)nk sokongn the end ak call secre harm mak ak luahkn sgle2nye.die bg ak smngt and nasihat.(luv u damn much mum!)

so kesimpulannya disini,seorg ank murid nk x nk bek ke x ckgu tuh kne jugk respekto cbb keberktn tu sgt2 penting lau nk berjye.heee~yg cikgu plak jgnla jdkn ank murid tuh tmpt meluahkn emosi!toink2!



Saturday, February 7, 2009


1.What have you been doing recently?
sports yg teramat sgt2 keletihan++tusyen!woohhoo!;)
2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
i don have cellphone rite now!huaaaaaa!!!!!!!!sob2!
3.What happened at 10am today?
kt GYM 4 de st time!!!ahahahaha.manya penat woo!kluor otot.toink2!
4.When did you last cry?
erm...rse2nye time ...errr...arrr...hurmmm...x ingatla dear.huuu!
5.Believe in fate/destiny?

6.What do you want in your life now?
nak SPM 11 a1,,so dpt balas pengorbanan ibu ayh.ngee~amiinn..

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
klo da gile lebaat uw surely laa bwk . tp gerimiss² neeyh , lynn jeep :D

8.What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
Bace bedtime stories plus2 SLEEPING!
9.What bootoms are you wearing now?
oppss bootoms itu apekaa ?

10.What's the nicest things in your inbox?

11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
HEEE~personal la syggs.;)

12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
tudung ibu,brush ibu,bju akk,sandal akk..hehehe
13.What was the last movie you caught?
bedtime story ! syik ketaawwee jep taw . haha

14.What are you proud of?
being myself dat isn't perfect enough.;)

15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
Now you're gone basshunter!!best!
17.Do you have any nicknames?
CHE'AH!loooong story!heheh(males nk pendekkn.huu;) )

18.What time did you go to bed last night?

20.Are you currently happy?
sgt2 HAPPY!x taw nper!huuu;)
21.Who gives you the best advise?
ma parents OF COURSE!

22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
ta penaa rsenyee .

23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
tade sapeee .

24.Is something bugging you now?
hurmm...takut nk nek bas sowg2 sok.cket jerp.hee

25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
AYAH!HE'S DAMN funny!!!

tagged to sharip now!sygss sile jawab.huuu;)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

i'm goin back!

oke act gambo diats x de kne mngene pown!juz want to say to all of you TATA!
i'm goin back to hostel.kali nih agk rse seronok gak cz ade bnyk aktvti bakal diadakn termasuklah hari sukan n larian al falah!!ahahaha.i'll story to you guys later!doakn kejayaan kuh yerp!ASFAR(umah kuning) BOLEH!!WOHOO!